How to be an Indigenous Ally
Educate Yourself
Reconciliation NSW recommends learning and understanding more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ histories, Cultures, Languages, technology and land management techniques. Educating yourself is the first step in the journey towards reconciliation.
When some Australians begin to find out about the true history of Australia, they often ask; “What can I do”. Many people are surprised that they were never told or taught about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Some people may have to ‘unlearn’ what they might have been previously led to believe.
Resources for allies:
- How to be a good Indigenous Ally, by Yorta Yorta woman, academic, writer and public health consultant, Dr. Summer May Finlay. Follow Summer @SummerMayFinlay
- Top 10 positive ways non-Indigenous Australians can engage with Indigenous Issues by Yawuru woman Shannan Dodson. Follow Shannan @ShannanJDodson
- Where do you fit? Tokenistic, ally or accomplice?, by Yorta Yorta woman, Dr. Summer May Finlay.
- This website will give you a glimpse if how life looks from and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective. Share our Pride
- Read this article More Australians want to do something to help improve reconciliation but don’t know how
- Read Clare Land’s book or check out her table of things you can do. Decolonising Solidarity
- Article in the Guardian about reading and other ways to learn by Dr Anita Heiss