Local Government
Local reconciliation groups in NSW work closely with local councils and local Aboriginal land councils in NSW. This includes funding support for local reconciliation-based activities and events and collaboration.
Inner West Council – First Nations Early Learning Services
Recently Reconciliation NSW participated in a number of workshops with the Inner West Council, working with early learning services, to provide a range of resources and ideas for bringing First Nations perspectives into early learning.
Councils in NSW have been advocates for reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians in their local government areas for many years and some have local reconciliation committees.
To build on this grassroots collaboration, Reconciliation NSW and Local Government NSW (LGNSW) work together to facilitate greater engagement in reconciliation at the local council level throughout NSW. We are developing and implementing various projects aimed at:
• Increasing Aboriginal representation in the local council level sphere
• Further developing levels of cultural awareness and engagement with local Aboriginal communities and councils
Collaborate NSW is a resource created by LGNSW, with the assistance of the NSW Office of Local Government, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Aboriginal Affairs NSW and NSW Planning and Environment to encourage the inclusion of Aboriginal communities in council decision making, service development and delivery.
Download the resource kit for local government.