Reconciliation in Education in NSW
What we do
Reconciliation NSW runs the Reconciliation in Education program to support all educators and students across NSW on their reconciliation journey, and to highlight the importance of reconciliation in education.
We support educators through:
– Online workshops & professional development webinars for educators
– Regular e-news with updates about what is happening in the reconciliation community for educators
– Access to lesson plans and activities and a downloadable reconciliation in education kit for educators to access tools and resources
We run the annual Schools Reconciliation Challenge
The Schools Reconciliation Challenge is an annual writing and art competition for young people across NSW and the ACT. The challenge meets the objectives of the K-6 and 7-10 syllabus.
Every year, we ask students to create artworks and stories inspired by a theme, and to reflect on what reconciliation means to them.
The pieces are submitted, culminating in exhibitions and regional tours throughout NSW.
You can access art and writing based classroom activities and resources, located on the Schools Reconciliation Challenge website.
Q&A: What is Reconciliation in Education?
It is important to recognise the relationship and distinctions between ‘Aboriginal education’ and ‘reconciliation in education.’ That is, as well as focusing on strategies/pedagogies for supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ learning, strong approaches to reconciliation in education simultaneously focus on teaching all students and staff about the importance of reconciliation, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions.
Focus Areas 1.4 and 2.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers identify what teachers need to know and be able to do in order to teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and to teach all students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, history and culture.
Focus Area 1.4: Strategies for teaching Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students Focus Area 2.4: Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. These focus areas present a great opportunity for Australian teachers to engage in this important part of our shared national identity, however many teachers are unsure of how to meaningfully address them.
Our program provides NSW schools with a mechanism and resource to increase the capacity and confidence of teachers to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the classroom and implement reconciliation initiatives at the local level.
Q&A: Where does reconciliation fit in the Australian Curriculum?
Reconciliation is a critical and ongoing process with education being the key to positive change.
The Australian Curriculum sets expectations for what all Australian students should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or their background. Included in the Australian Curriculum are three cross-curriculum priorities, one of which is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority provides the opportunity for all young Australians to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, knowledge traditions and holistic world views. This knowledge will enrich all learners’ ability to participate positively in Australia’s journey towards reconciliation through a deepening understanding and connection with the world’s oldest continuous living cultures.
We partner with Reconciliation Australia to deliver the National Reconciliation in Education Program in NSW
Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali program supports all schools and early learning services in Australia to foster a high level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. The Narragunnawali online platform is free to access and provides practical ways to introduce meaningful reconciliation initiatives in the classroom, around the school and with the community. Through the Narragunnawali platform, schools and early learning services can develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), and teachers and educators can access professional leaning and curriculum resources to support the implementation of reconciliation initiatives.
“Thank you so much. I feel so supported
having access to these resources.” Webinar participant, Primary School Teacher.
What educators can do to contribute to reconciliation:
Read our latest educator e-news and sign up
Sign up to our educator e-news and get invitations to quarterly webinars and special educator events!
Reconciliation in Education August News 2022 – for links to upcoming events and resources to help you embed reconciliation in your school.
Join or request an online workshop
Educators from across NSW in schools and ELS are encouraged to join one of our online professional development workshops. If your school or AECG team would like Reconciliation NSW to run a professional development session or student based workshop online please contact us.
Download our Reconciliation in Education Kit
Reconciliation NSW invites your school or early learning service to progress reconciliation by engaging with our Reconciliation in Education Kit.
- Welcome
- What is the Schools Reconciliation Challenge?
- 2024 Learning From Legacy: Healing Our Country theme activity
- Reconciliation in Education reading and resource list
- Post card from the Future Classroom activity
- Introduction to Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) for schools and early learning services
- Narragunnawali Guide to Respectful and Inclusive Terminology
- Aboriginal Nations and Languages Map in NSW & ACT
- Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country guide
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander significant dates classroom poster
- The Five Dimensions of Reconciliation checklist poster
- Aboriginal Languages Factsheet
Check out our SRC website!
Explore the resources and register your school in the annual challenge to win prizes!
Read Alanna Raymond’s article on cultural competency:
Alanna Raymond is a proud Aboriginal Australian woman, primary teacher and member of Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali team. Read her NSW Department of Education SCAN article (pg.9), Alanna explains cultural competency in the context of education, and suggests practical ways teachers and schools can build cultural competence.
Book online NESA accredited cultural competency training for your school
Reconciliation NSW partners with the ‘Centre for Cultural Competence Australia (CCCA)’ who offer easily accessible, cost effective cultural competency courses accredited by NESA.
Book art, culture and anti-racism student workshops for your school
Enquire re: Pathways to Reconciliation art & storytelling workshops as a pathway to reconciliation in early learning centres and schools, as well as in-school anti-racism workshops (coming soon). Email schools@reconciliationnsw.org.au for more info.
Watch our webinars for educators
On Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Reconciliation NSW and Uncle Jimmy Smith presented this webinar co-hosted by Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali Team.
Our first collaborative webinar with Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali program, includes professional development, cultural competence, understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the classroom, reconciliation themes and how to activate your school to engage with Reconciliation Action Plans.
“This webinar is such a wonderful experience
to be a part of. Thank you!” Webinar participant, Early Learning Teacher
National Reconciliation Week: Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Now in its 18th year the Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service will be held on Friday 31 May 2024, commemorating Indigenous servicemen and servicewomen.
Anzac Memorial Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AnzacMemorial
RSL NSW Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/RSLNewSouthWales
Check out this educational resource
Curriculum: Secondary – Syllabus links: History K-10, Stage 5 Core Study- Depth Study 3: Australians at War: World Wars I and II (1914-1918, 1939-1945)
Print these activities for kids
Our partners at Lendlease have shared these drawings for kids to colour by Kaanju artist Emma Hollingsworth.